Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Protect Your Valuables with Renters Insurance from Hunter Insurance

Due to the recent condo complex fire in our area, Hunter Insurance wants to be certain our policyholders understand the importance of having renters insurance. Though your landlord’s policy may cover certain structural damages, not everything that could happen to your rented living space is protected.

What Does Renters Insurance Cover?
  • Theft – If an asset is stolen from your apartment, renters insurance will replace the value of the item(s) taken, as long as they are listed on your policy. Additional endorsements can also be purchased for events such as identity theft or a loss of income due to not having the item. 
  • Fire – Renters insurance will cover the costs in the event of a fire, including helping to clean or replace items damaged from the accident. 
  • Water Damage - Insurance from your landlord may cover the damage to the building in the event of a pipe burst, etc., but it will not cover damage to your personal belongings. Similar to fire, renters insurance will cover the cost to fix or replace any items that were impaired. 
Does It Cover Anything Else? Renters insurance can also provide against liability in the event that a guest is injured while in the apartment. This type of policy may also cover all charges you obtain if your apartment is unusable for a portion of time (such as finding a hotel or other living arrangements until your apartment is in proper condition).

How Much Does Renters Insurance Usually Cost? This type of policy is extremely affordable. Typically, renters insurance can cost less than one dollar a day, but the amount will vary depending on the type of coverage. Keep in mind that there are precautions you can take to help reduce your costs. For example, many insurance companies will reduce the price of renters’ insurance if you install certain safety features, such as properly working smoke detectors and an alarm system.

If you are currently without renters insurance, we highly suggest you consider adding this type of policy today. Hunter Insurance would be happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss the various types of options we have available. Protecting what matters to you most is our top priority, and our agents are committed to providing you the best possible coverage. Call us today at 401-769-9500 to learn more.


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