Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is Pet Insurance Really Necessary?

Veterinary bills are increasing much faster than the overall rate of inflation. Part of this reason lies in the advancements of medical techniques and the increasing number of veterinarian specialists. These trends, however, come at a price. Performing a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exam on the spine of a cat can cost $1,300. Removing a tumor on a dog can cost $3,700 and implanting a pacemaker can cost $5,500. Even dealing with a dislocated ankle can cost up-wards of $5,000. As a result, pet insurance sales are increasing rapidly. Is this a wise purchase? If the answer to any of the questions below is yes, you should seriously consider purchasing this coverage.
  • Are you willing to go into debt to provide health care for your pet?
  • Do you consider your pet an integral member of the family?
  • Are you on a fixed or limited income?
  • Would you be willing to spend over $4,000 to save your pet in a life-threatening situation?
If you decide to purchase this protection, you should carefully compare the rates and policy pro-visions of at least three well-established pet insurers. Call your independent insurance agent at Hunter Insurance Agency at (401) 769-9500 if you would like to discuss this type of coverage.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Protection Against Auto Theft

Every 26 seconds, a motor vehicle is stolen in the United States. According to the FBI, there are over 1.2 million motor vehicles stolen every year. The odds of a vehicle being stolen are 1 in 190, odds that are especially higher in urban areas. The following tips may prove helpful in reducing the chances that your vehicle or property in it may be stolen.

● When temporarily leaving your vehicle, never leave it running or with the keys in the ignition.

● Always lock your car and roll up the windows, even if it is in your driveway. If you have a garage, park your car in it and close and lock the garage door.

● Park in busy, well-lit areas.

● When purchasing auto stereo equipment, choose items that can be removed and locked in the trunk.

● When using valet parking or taking your car in for repairs, leave only the ignition key with the attendant.

● Turn your wheels sharply toward the curb when parking since this makes it extra difficult for thieves to tow the vehicle. Always use your emergency brake and leave the transmission in park or in gear.

● Look into various anti-theft devices for your auto. Ask about auto insurance discounts for anti-theft devices such as alarms, window etchings, and anti-hot-wiring products.


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