Monday, December 22, 2014

New Year’s Eve Safety

New Year's Eve is the one night a year when anything can happen. Though it is meant to be an evening of celebration and entertainment, it is important to keep in mind the safety of yourself and others around you. No matter what your plans are, we at Hunter Insurance want to make sure you have all the necessary safety tips for an evening of fun.
1. Know Your Limits. Before you indulge in the evening’s festivities, make a mental note of how many drinks you should allow yourself. New Year's Eve is never fun for anyone when their friends have had too much to drink. 
2. Travel in Numbers. Whatever your plans are, traveling in numbers will help ensure the safety of you and your friends. Always stick together, even when going to the restroom, to avoid anyone wandering off. 
3. Charge Your Phone Before You Leave. It helps to have a peace of mind knowing that if you or any of your friends separate you can contact them or call a cab, no matter the time of night. 
4. Always Be Cautious of Your Drink. If you take your eyes off of it for even a minute, throw it away. It’s better to eat the cost and buy a new beverage than risk drinking something that was tampered with.

5. Have a Designated Driver. If you're planning on leaving your home and drinking while out, it is essential that you plan ahead for a safe ride home. Drinking and driving puts you, your friends, your family, and other drivers at risk. Utilize the generosity of friends or keep phone numbers for local taxis at-hand.

6. Be Careful of Pets (Yours and Others). Nothing frightens them more than sudden loud noises and strangers. If you are hosting a party, pay extra attention to your pets so they do not run away. Scared, running pets can be hit by cars, cause accidents, become lost, or, if truly frightened, may bite people.
We want your celebration of the New Year to be pleasant and safe, so be sure to take extra caution that evening. But above all – have fun! From all of us at Hunter Insurance, we hope you have a wonderful New Year.

Information for this article provided by: New Year’s Eve Safety Tips


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