Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Insurance Rates Improving for Older Drivers

You might be surprised to learn that today’s drivers aged 70 and over are much more cautious and are less prone to accidents than previous generations.  According to a study by The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, older drivers are less likely to be involved in crashes and are less likely to be killed or seriously injured if they do crash.

Due to the fact that cars are technologically getting safer and seniors today are generally healthier, the growing age of baby boomers have been making roads safer since the mid 90’s. The study found that from 1997 to 2012, fatal crash rates per licensed driver fell 42 percent for older drivers and 30 percent for middle age ones.  While also accounting for miles traveled, fatal crash rates fell 39 percent for older drivers and 26 percent for middle age ones from 1995 to 2008.

In compliance with these statistics, older drivers are putting more miles on the odometer than they used to, although they are still driving fewer miles a year than middle-aged drivers. This is especially true for drivers 75 and older, who lifted their average annual mileage by more than 50 percent from 1995 to 2008.

Call Hunter Insurance today at (401) 769-9500 to discuss your current rates and to learn about possible credits you may be entitled to.   

(Source of information - Associated Press)


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